
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fully Baked

Here she is, fully baked!  Oddly enough, the Bean was born not long after my last blog post.

Here's the story: after our Indian food dinner, I was having contractions sporadically throughout the night, sent I. and S. to school and work at 7:30 the next morning.  I decided to take a walk to see if I was really in labor, and left the house at 8:30, measuring contractions about 5 minutes apart; but I got about half a mile down the road and turned around, feeling like this was not a good idea.  I called S.: by 9:30, he was home, and contractions were 5 minutes apart, getting faster.  We decided to stay at home for another 20 minutes or so, and before we knew it, contractions were coming 3 minutes apart.  I suggested we leave for the hospital, and told Steve that he'd better not make me put on my seat belt, because I'd be damned if anyone was going to prevent me from squatting (which my body desperately wanted to do).  S. drove as gently as he could.  We arrived at the hospital, and I had two contractions in the parking lot.  By this point, I was barely hearing what people were saying to me.  Some gentleman helped me into a wheelchair, and took us around to a back elevator.

I contracted in the elevator, and somehow made it into the maternity ward, where there was way too much discussion about getting me a room.  Finally, I made it into a room, where they discovered I was fully dilated and ready to give birth.  Someone said, "umm, we're having a baby here, folks" ...

The Bean was born 7 minutes after we arrived at the hospital.

Fully baked, folks.  The miracle is, indeed, possible.


  1. YEAH!!!! Super cuteness lovely lady. Congrats she's gorgeous! Such a sweetie.

  2. OMG Justine, what an amazing birth story....I can't believe you cut it that close, incredible! She is completely beautiful & perfect. So happy for you guys!

  3. WOW!! She's adorable (love the hat!). I can't imagine that labor...lucky you guys got there when you did!

  4. She's gorgeous. Congratulations.


  5. BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations. And, wow. Talk about perfect timing:) I'm so glad to read this.

  6. Congratulations Justine! And S. Bean is absolutely beautiful! :) :) :) I am so very happy for you.

    What a great story, too.

  7. Congratulations!!!!!! This is so exciting! She's beautiful!

  8. what a beautiful baby! she is gorgeous!! congratulations on your girl, & thank you for sharing her story! :)

  9. Congratulations! Such a beautiful little girl!

  10. YAY congratulations!!!!!!!!!! How beautiful and sweet <3

  11. Oh wow! Super congratulations! I am so incredibly happy for you and I love your birth story -- it sounds perfect! Sending you lost of love and happy thoughts.

  12. Congratulations she is a cutie

  13. I couldn't comment on my phone over the weekend - she's gorgeous! Congratulations!!!

  14. Congratulations! What a sweet girl.

  15. What a welcoming post to come to on a Monday morning! She is devine. Congratulations love.

  16. Congratulations! What an amazing story too :)

  17. OMG I died when reading this story. You are a freaking warrior women you know that. I absolutely couldn't be more happy or impressed for you and by you. The little one is just as cute as can be (as my grandma would say)!!

  18. Congratulations! She's just beautiful - simply gorgeous.

  19. Oh man I can only hope my bean comes out in 7 minutes, you might be my hero. Congratulations!!

  20. Oh Justine, she is gorgeous! Congratulations, I am so thrilled for you! xx

  21. Congratulations on a beautiful and speedy daughter. (I'm a friend of JeCaThRe's, came here via her blog, sucker for a good birth story. I too have a speedy girl, but she didn't arrive as quickly as yours.) Hope you're enjoying your babymoon.

  22. Congrats! What a beautiful baby!

  23. I can't believe you just had a baby and you are commenting on my blog!!! YOU ARE AN AMAZING WOMAN. Now, I knew this before, as you so clearly have your act together way more than I do. But this is a new level of "together". You are my hero! I hope you are doing wonderfully -- how is that beautiful little girl of your treating you? How are you feeling?
